
Please request prescriptions and refills during your office visits, or call your pharmacist to determine if you have another refill remaining on your prescription. If you do not have another refill remaining on your prescription, and you need more medication, please call our office and leave your prescription request with our nursing staff. After the physician has had the opportunity to review your medical record, we will call your pharmacy with the prescription – usually within 24 hours of your request. If your refill request is denied, we will call you with specific instructions.

To help us maintain continuity of your care, be sure to bring a list of your medications to each appointment. Additionally, be certain to inform us of any medications that you are taking that were ordered by another physician.

A man pouring a single pill from a bottle into his hand.


Please be sure to call us during office hours for prescription refills – at least one day before you run out of medication. Also, please remember that good medical care often requires the benefit of a patient examination prior to ordering or refilling medication.

Our Hours are 8am – 5pm, Monday through Friday.